Van Life Coffee Blend


Grind: Whole Bean
Sale price$18.00


CUP - Stone Fruit, Caramel, & Sugar Cane


ORIGINS - Brazil & Honduras


VARIETY - Yellow Catuai, Caturra

ELEVATION - 1100-1700 MASL


We launched #VanLife during the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. With airports closed, international travel banned, people hit the road for epic trips around the country. We wanted to create a blend that was versatile, tasty, and complex in every brew method you can imagine for whatever conditions you might be in. The blend was supposed to be a limited edition run but was such a big success we brought it on full-time as one of our seasonal blend offerings. This season’s blend is composed of a honey processed coffee from Honduras with natural processed coffee from Brazil. It has a wonderful fruity base, honey sweetness, and slight nuttiness. It brews well in any method and can be enjoyed on its own or accompanied by a dairy or plant based drink. We like this coffee on drip, espresso, and Aeropress.

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