CUP - Dark Chocolate, Molasses, Vanilla, Roasted Nuts
ORIGINS - Mexico & Java
PROCESS - Washed
VARIETY - Caturra, Mundo Novo, Typica
ELEVATION - 1500-1700 MASL
In 2021, we set out to create a dark roast blend packed with flavor, complexity, and that dark roast “punch” while maintaining the integrity and inherent sweetness of the green coffee inputs. After about 30 iterations of the blend, we were finally happy with what we now call Torrefazione Classica, which translates to “classic roasting” in Italian. This Vienna-style dark roast is composed of a washed communal lot from the Chiapas region of Mexico and a wet-hulled communal lot from Java. The blend provides a full body with notes of cocoa, roasted nuts, and molasses. The blend can be enjoyed black or with your preference of fixings and performs best on drip, moka pot, or french press.
About the Farm
Java Taman Dadar
This coffee is sourced from family-owned farms organized around the Surya Abadi Kayumas cooperative, which operates around the village of Kayumas on the island of Java, Indonesia. Coffee production in this region is often dominated by large government run coffee estates, first established by the Dutch in the 18th century. This lot, however, is quite the opposite as it was cultivated by 66 small producers whose average farm size is around 5 acres. The coffee's hallmark Indonesian profile is the product of wet-hulling, a uniquely Indonesian processing method in which the coffee parchment is removed before the final drying is completed.